
Title: How to write an assignment?


Assignment writing helps to enhance and polish the skills of students. Structure of assignment depends on the type of assignment. Basically assignment structured in three parts:

·  Introduction

·  Paragraph

·  Conclusion


This section includes general information about background of topic. It enhances main idea that will be discussed in assignment. Most introductions are 10% of the whole assignment. Purpose and reason of writing on this topic is keenly described so that reader could not resist themselves to go through assignment. Mention outlines and issues that is included.


Effective assignment writing helps to provide qualitative work. It is the main part of assignment consists of the argument that you want to develop in response to the topic. Argument is created by linking points between different paragraphs of assignment.

Structure of paragraph body consists of:

·  Topic Sentence: Open the paragraph by making a point.This tells the readers the purpose of your paragraph.

·  Supporting Sentence: Add references and research which support a point.Include examples, evidence, quotations that develop or contrast your idea helps to enhance firmness of argument. Reference of used evidence must be added in text or in foot-note. You may need to offer some explanation on the relevance of your examples/evidence/quotations. How is this evidence useful? How is this evidence support?

·  Conclusive Sentence: Closing paragraph must linking back to opening point of paragraph and linking to the statement of assignment. This draws together the main idea being made in your paragraph.

As you write the main body of paragraph so it must be in your mind that all the paragraphs must be linked with each other and main idea of an assignment.


This is the ending paragraph of an assignment consists of summary of all the discussion of your work as well as conclusions based upon presented evidence. Conclusion comprises of 10% of whole assignment. Any new information must not be included and this paragraph does not contain any references. Conclusion must linked back to title of an assignment, make sure you have directly answered the question and that your reader finishes your essay with a clear sense of your viewpoint on the topic. Finish the conclusion paragraph witha comment, a resolution, or a suggestion that may be discussed in future research on the topic. Assignment writing helps to acquire the desired grades of students..

Assignment Writing Help

Worldwide universities and colleges assign assignment to their students with time to time, so sometimes students get struck in any difficult topic of which they don’t have much knowledge and unable to manage any source at that time so in that condition they should not lose hope and dishearten but they should approach online help system which is available 24/7 and writers re very professional and qualified so they don’t need to be worry about any mistakes and wrong information. Genuine assignment writing help is not so easy to find. So, global writing hub is one of these platforms that are offering writing services, so all you need to just contact us in order of any difficulty in any assignment and we will help to resolve all your worries and difficulties regarding your assignments.